Pete’s Pride at Commencement

Be involved in the most important event for YSU students! Help with direction and logistics during spring commencement. Volunteers will offer a warm welcome and a friendly face to the Spring 2024 graduates and families.  Volunteers will assist graduates and families in finding their designated college area and seats before the ceremony. Please note, this… Continue reading Pete’s Pride at Commencement

Pete’s Pride at Commencement

Be involved in the most important event for YSU students! Help with direction and logistics during spring commencement. Volunteers will offer a warm welcome and a friendly face to the Spring 2024 graduates and families.  Volunteers will assist graduates and families in finding their designated college area and seats before the ceremony. Please note, this… Continue reading Pete’s Pride at Commencement

Triangle Chapter Dinner

Please join the Triangle YSU Alumni Chapter for a fun evening at the Carolina Ale House on Saturday, May 11th at 5pm. Guests will order off the menu with separate checks.Carolina Ale House2240 Walnut StreetCary, NCWe look forward to seeing you there!Please contact Chapter Leader Melanie Diorio at with any questions.

Petes Pride @ Satur-Day of Caring

Pete's Pride will participate in the United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley's monthly Satur-Day of Caring on Saturday, May 18.  Volunteers unload, pack, and deliver food to more than 400 seniors, shut-ins, and families in need.You can help unload and pack food from 8-10am, deliver food from 9:30am-12pm, or do it all –… Continue reading Petes Pride @ Satur-Day of Caring

Streetscape – YSU Alumni

Saturday, June 1, 2024 marks CityScape’s 27th annual Streetscape Planting Day. Interested volunteers should sign up online to help beautify the greater downtown area and help us plant new green space. CityScape encourages neighborhood groups to use this opportunity to start making plans for citywide beautification efforts! Streetscape Day projects will include trimming, planting flowers and… Continue reading Streetscape – YSU Alumni

Naples/Ft. Myers Chapter Dinner

Please join the Naples/Ft. Myers YSU Alumni Chapter for a fun evening at Dave and Busters on Sunday, June 2nd at 6:30pm. Guests will order off the menu with separate checks.Dave and Buster's13499 S. Cleveland AveSte 400Fort Myers, FL 33907RSVPs are due by May 29th. We look forward to seeing you there!Please contact Chapter Leader… Continue reading Naples/Ft. Myers Chapter Dinner

San Diego Chapter Watch Party

YSU San Diego Alumni Chapter Leader Michele McTigue ’86 will host a watch party at the Union Kitchen and Tap in Encinitas on Sunday, June 9 from 1-4 pm. Enjoy fellow good food and drinks with fellow Penguins and Youngstowners while catching the Diamondbacks and Padres game! Wear your favorite YSU gear and join us… Continue reading San Diego Chapter Watch Party

Houston Chapter

Join fellow YSU alumni, friends, and Penguin fans for an afternoon of good food and great conversation on Saturday, June 15th starting at 11:30am at The Upside Pub. We will be collecting donations for Camp Hope, a program for veterans struggling with PTSD. Please see this attached flier for their urgent needs list. If possible,… Continue reading Houston Chapter

Rocky Mountain Chapter Event

The YSU Rocky Mountain Alumni Chapter is thrilled to welcome Denver Broncos running back Jaleel McLaughlin ’22 to our next event! Saturday, June 15th - 12-2pm MDT.Jaleel has quickly become a fan-favorite in Denver! In his rookie season with the Broncos, Jaleel accounted for 410 rushing yards, 160 receiving yards and three touchdowns for the… Continue reading Rocky Mountain Chapter Event

Washington D.C. Chapter

Join the YSU Washington DC Alumni Chapter for a wine and pizza tasting on Saturday, June 22nd at 2:00 PM at Three Foxes Vineyard and Brewery, 10100 Three Fox Ln, Delaplane, VA 20144. The afternoon will be spent chatting with fellow Penguins and renewing YSU connections!A wine tasting at $30 per person will be provided… Continue reading Washington D.C. Chapter