Thank you, Pete’s Pride!

Thanks in part to our volunteer writers last year, 263 new Penguins are now enrolled at YSU! Volunteers wrote out over 1,300 postcards in the 2023-2024 campaign to prospective students to encourage them to choose YSU to continue their education.

Whether you have written postcards previously, or just recently signed up, we are thankful for your participation!

Want to be involved in our 2024-2025 postcard campaign? Sign up today! Go to the Volunteer tab on our website ( or follow the link.

All postcards must be received back by May 1, 2025.
Postcard Writing Campaign

Postcard Writing

The Pete’s Pride postcard writing campaign is a volunteer opportunity to share your YSU experience with admitted students. Alumni help increase enrollment by encouraging admitted students to choose Youngstown State. Testimonials written by alumni about the impact of a YSU education help in the decision-making process. It’s an easy and convenient way for service-oriented Penguins to give back.